How to use JasperPHP as html to pdf

1.Create e report with an textfied en change markup to html and set expression to $V{htmlData}

2.Define an variable with expression $F{documentos_source}

3.Define another variable $V{recordObj} and set ‘initial value expression’ to a class name of our record object, ex: document

4.create a class document

public class document{

   public function _get($prop) {
      if (method_exists($this, 'get_'.$prop)) // if an method defined with get+name of propriety exits, run it
         // run method get_ + name of propriety
         return call_user_func(array($this, 'get_'.$prop));
      else // fallack to return a value into propriety, in this case a field value
          // return a value of propriety
         if (isset($this->$prop))
            return ($this->$prop);
   public function get_document_source
      // load or create your html here
      return $hrmlcode;

5. Define an sql query as you want, but a simple sample “SELECT DATE(NOW()) as date”.
if you use sql query to load a record to merge into html code, you can insert $F{fields} into html code and jasperphp replaces with your data.

Bonus: in my codes, i use this sql query

(SELECT CONVERT(documentos_source USING latin1)
FROM documents
WHERE idDocument = $P{idDocument}
) as documentos_source,
DATE(NOW()) as date
FROM $P{table} $P{join}
WHERE $P{criteria}”

and powerfull your html document generator, my documents are pre created and store into database table and select it with parameter “idDocument”, parameters $P{table} , $P{join} and $P{criteria} help you to select a record to use into html generated code, and the record object is necessary if you want need more resources in record manipulate.

Rogério Castro

System analyst and co-owner of and quilhasoft systems

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